There are many different methods used to treat obesity. When you tried to lose weight for a healthier life, we are sure that you came across the gastric balloon method. On this page, we’ll explain what a gastric balloon is, how it works, who can have it, and what you should pay attention to afterward.

What is Gastric Balloon?

In recent years, the gastric balloon procedure has gained popularity among those looking to lose weight. You can achieve that using this technique without getting surgery. With the feeling of fullness that comes with the stomach volume decreasing, the stomach balloon helps you eat less.

The purpose of the stomach balloon; By reducing the appetite of people who want to lose weight stomach balloon makes them eat less. In this way, weight loss occurs faster.  Obesity-related health problems are also reduced afterwards.

You can also check our article “What is Obesity? When Is Obesity Dangerous To Our Health?

As mentioned above, this procedure does not require surgical intervention. For this reason, it is a suitable procedure for patients who are not suitable for surgery and cannot undergo surgery. However, even if it is not a surgical operation, it is a medical intervention, so a doctor’s examination and approval are required beforehand.

The stomach balloon is placed in the stomach with an endoscopic procedure. The balloon contains a silicone sleeve with liquid inside. Once in place, the liquid is injected into the balloon and the balloon reduces the volume of the stomach.

Stomach balloon, which helps to lose weight, is usually used together with diet and exercise. Unless diet and exercise are done, it is not possible to get 100% efficiency from the stomach balloon. Insertion of the balloon is a tool to assist in the weight loss process. However, a healthy diet and regular exercise are important for sustainable weight loss.

This balloon is not permanent in your stomach. It is removed after the time specified by your doctor. Removal of the balloon is also done by an endoscopic procedure. After the stomach balloon is removed, the weight loss process should continue with diet and exercise. Healthy eating should be made a part of life in order not to regain the weight lost with the help of a stomach balloon. It is possible to lose weight permanently if you include a diet with quality nutritional value and clean ingredients in your life.

As a result, the stomach balloon is highly helpful for people who have passed the doctor’s examination and are approved and who want to lose weight and meet the specified criteria. After the gastric balloon application, you can lose weight permanently by supporting the nutrition program determined by your doctor and nutritionist with exercise, and in return, the process will be more sustainable.

What is Gastric Balloon

Who is Suitable for Stomach Balloon?

Those who are committed to fighting obesity may have the option of using a stomach balloon. However, not everyone can be a candidate for the gastric balloon procedure. The stomach balloon is only available to those who meet certain requirements.

First, candidates for a stomach balloon should be adults who have failed to lose weight despite weight loss efforts. These individuals must be able to show that they have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight through diet, lifestyle modifications, and medication.

Second, candidates must have a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 40. Based on a person’s height and weight, BMI is calculated. The application of a stomach balloon may be suggested for people with a BMI of 30 or higher who exhibit symptoms of obesity. People with a BMI of 30 to 40 or more may occasionally also be given the option of a stomach balloon.

Third, a stomach balloon may be an option for people who want to lose weight without surgery. The gastric balloon is an alternative for those who do not want surgery because it is not a surgical procedure. It is not a procedure like a gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy).

In situations where weight loss is necessary before a planned surgical procedure, a stomach balloon may also be suggested. A stomach balloon can assist you in achieving your recommended weight, for instance, if you need to lose weight in order to undergo joint replacement surgery or have fertility issues.

To gain the weight necessary for surgery, it is sometimes used to individuals who, before to sleeve gastrectomy surgery, had a very high body mass index and were therefore not candidates.

The stomach balloon may therefore be a good choice for people who want to lose weight. They must, however, fulfil the requirements we listed in our article in order to apply for a gastric balloon. When recommended and properly managed by a doctor, a stomach balloon can aid weight loss, but as we have explained, it is not enough on its own.

Who is Not Suitable for Stomach Balloon?

Stomach balloon; Although it is suitable for people with a body mass index of 30 to 40 who have tried for a long time to lose weight without success, the use of gastric balloons is not always advised. Here are the situations that are not suitable for stomach balloon:

If you have;

  • Had previous stomach surgery or anti-reflux surgery,
  • 5 cm or larger gastric hernia,
  • Blood clotting disorder,
  • Lesion in the upper gastrointestinal tract that could potentially cause bleeding,
  • Pregnancy, want to become pregnant or breastfeeding,
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction or significant mental health problems,
  • Severe liver disease,
  • Unable to perform endoscopy for any medical or clinical reason.

Stomach balloon application is not suitable for you

Before applying a stomach balloon, a thorough medical history and physical examination should be taken. The patient’s gastrointestinal issues should be the main area of focus when determining the contraindications for applying a stomach balloon.

Absolute contraindications for this application include prior gastric surgery, coagulopathies, severe liver disease, upper gastrointestinal bleeding lesions, pregnancy and desire to become pregnant, alcoholism, drug addiction, and inability to perform esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD).

Additionally, some gastric balloons are implanted via swallowing or endoscopy. Endoscopy may be required for this removal procedure if balloon removal is necessary as a result of complications. A 5 cm or larger gastric hernia, inflammatory bowel conditions like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, prior abdominal surgery, esophagitis, chronic NSAID use, and previously uncontrolled psychiatric conditions are just a few examples of relative contraindications.

Your medical history and physical examination should be assessed for any potential contraindications prior to the application of the stomach balloon. Other weight loss options should be taken into account in situations where the application of gastric balloons is not advised.

How Stomach Balloon is Placed?

A silicone balloon is inserted into the patient’s stomach during an endoscopic procedure known as stomach balloon placement. Overweight individuals frequently use this method to assist them in achieving their goals of losing weight. By making your stomach feel smaller and making you feel full, the stomach balloon encourages you to eat smaller portions.

A nutritionist works with the patient to create a plan before the procedure, while the balloon is in place, and after balloon removal. A skilled endoscopist is needed for this procedure because it is an endoscopic procedure.

Before the stomach balloon is inserted, the patient is advised to follow a clear liquid diet. Prior to the procedure, proton pump inhibitors may also be administered. In addition, the patient is advised to follow a pre- and post-operative exercise and diet plan.

In the endoscopy room, stomach balloon placement is carried out. Propofol is usually preferred for mild sedation. The lower oesophagus is used to slide the balloon into the stomach and position it there. The balloon is typically filled to a capacity of 500 ml using a syringe and 50 ml increments. The patient may need to be monitored for several hours following the procedure to make sure the balloon is placed properly in the stomach using the endoscope.

How Gastric Balloon is Removed?


Doctors advise switching to liquid feeding a few days ahead of stomach balloon removal. You must consume liquid nutrition to empty your stomach. Depending on the type of balloon used, the time required to remove the balloon may change.


In the endoscopy room, the balloon is also removed. Mild sedation is used. To find the balloon, the endoscope is inserted through the mouth. The balloon is punctured with the aid of the endoscope, and liquid aspiration or suction is then carried out into the balloon to discharge the gas or liquid. The balloon is then removed by first removing its outer casing with an endoscope. It usually takes 15 to 20 minutes to remove the balloon, and light sedation anesthesia is an option.

As a result, the stomach balloon is a temporary solution that occasionally needs to be taken out. The balloon removal procedure is done in the endoscopy room and is typically done while lightly sedated. In order to empty the stomach, it is also advised to follow a clear liquid diet a few days beforehand.

How Much Weight Can I Lose With a Stomach Balloon?

The use of a gastric balloon in the treatment of obesity is incredibly successful. By decreasing the volume of the stomach, the balloon induces a feeling of fullness and encourages people to eat less. How much weight can a gastric balloon help you lose? Following the application of a stomach balloon, weight loss can vary from person to person. However, a treatment plan that is followed for six months can result in an average weight loss of 2-3 stones (13–20 kilograms). Some people may lose more weight. The most crucial elements influencing your weight loss are your starting weight and how well you adjust to new eating practices. Adopting healthy eating and upping physical activity are crucial for the stomach balloon weight loss process. Long-term success is thus possible. The first three months are when weight loss with the gastric balloon happens the quickest. Although there is a noticeable loss of weight in the first month, this rate slows down in the following two months, and the balloon aids in keeping your weight at your new level.

As a result, several variables, including your metabolism and diet, will affect how much weight you lose with the stomach balloon. However, you can eventually lead a healthy lifestyle if you follow a strict diet and exercise routine.

Risks and Side Effects of Stomach Balloon

Sore Throat (Common)

There may be a temporary sore throat from the endoscopy and balloon insertion and will usually go away within 24 hours.

Reflux Symptoms (Common)

Because there is less room in the stomach after the stomach balloon is inserted, reflux could happen. This is similar to how you might feel after consuming an excessive meal; any additional food or liquid can back up into the oesophagus and occasionally cause “heartburn” or “digestion” symptoms. Your meals should be small in size, and every day you should take the proton pump inhibitor, or PPI, that your doctor prescribed. You should take this medication as prescribed by your doctor while the balloon is inside your stomach.

Abdominal Pain and Cramping (Common)

The stomach balloon can stress the stomach wall muscle and cause discomfort during the first 48 hours. A liquid diet can lessen these symptoms, and this typically goes away within the first few days. Try sleeping on your left side and massaging your abdomen from the bottom of your ribs up if you feel full, bloated, or like you might vomit. The stomach balloon may be able to move into a better position using this technique. You can take painkillers and anti-cramp medications for severe pain and cramps.

Nausea and Vomiting (Common)

95% of people with gastric balloons experience nausea and vomiting, which usually lasts for two to three days. Dehydration can result from this if it is severe enough. For this reason, some clinical experts advise a brief hospital stay of up to 48 hours following the insertion of the stomach balloon to make sure that the early symptoms are fully under control. Staying in the hospital means taking intravenous fluids and medication against nausea and vomiting until the vomiting stops.

Intolerance / Vomiting / Early Removal (Rare)

In the event that symptoms become intolerable or you are unable to retain fluids, the gastric balloon might need to be removed. Only three patients out of 100 typically have this rare condition. Your doctor will offer dietary and exercise recommendations after the gastric balloon is removed to help you keep the weight off.

How Should the Diet be After the Operation?

It is crucial to stick to a diet plan after the stomach balloon has been inserted. Your stomach’s volume is decreased by the stomach balloon, enabling you to eat less. However, it’s crucial to understand how to plan your diet during this procedure.

Post-Operative Diet

Here are the stages of the diet to be applied after the gastric balloon is inserted:

Stage 1: Liquid foods only in the form of smoothies (Days 0-7)

Smoothies and other liquid foods should be the only nutrients you gradually solidify in the beginning. Eat your food slowly, taking small bites as you go. You can prepare your food by straining it, putting it through a blender, or pureeing it in the first step. It’s also crucial to avoid drinking anything for 20 to 30 minutes after eating.

Which Liquids Are Suitable?

Skim milk or semi-skimmed milk, lactose-free or soy milk, high protein drinks, SlimFast or other meal supplement shakes, low-fat natural yoghurt drinks, Complan soup, Meritene soup, Protein water, water, herbal teas, tea and coffee (use sweetener instead of sugar), unsweetened fruit juice, unsweetened jelly, vegetable juice.

Stage 2: Pureed Foods (Days 8-11)

In the second stage, you should still consume the food by pureeing it. At this stage, you should consume foods that contain more protein.

Which Pureed Foods Are Suitable?

Pureed chicken, potatoes and vegetables, spaghetti bolognese and vegetables, green lentil soup, canned fish such as chicken, tuna, sardines and mackerel, mashed beans, chickpeas.

Stage 3: Food that can be crushed with a fork (Days 12-14)

You can substitute crushable food for the food in the third stage. You can eat cooked vegetables, meat, chicken, or fish at this point. Which foods are therefore appropriate for this stage: You can eat soft, easily chewed foods at this stage. You can eat things like cooked vegetables, soup, tender meat like chicken or fish, mashed potatoes, mashed vegetables, dishes with ground meat, soft fruits like bananas, soft cereals like oatmeal, and soft slices of bread. You should also chew your food thoroughly. At every meal, don’t forget to eat enough vegetables and protein. To prevent side effects like pain, nausea, and vomiting, however, eat slowly and wait a while after eating.

Stage 4: Normal food (Day 15 and beyond)

At this stage, you can start eating normal foods. However, you should still eat slowly and chew your food well. It is important to eat protein foods, vegetables and small amounts of complex carbohydrates. It is also important to consume enough water with your meals.

Which Foods Are Inappropriate?

After the stomach balloon is inserted, you should avoid consuming processed foods, sugary drinks, fatty foods, fried foods, carbonated drinks and alcohol. You should also avoid consuming foods such as fibrous and raw vegetables, nuts, hard and cured meats, and hard slices of bread.

As a result, it’s crucial to stick to a healthy diet plan after the gastric balloon is placed. One aspect of your diet that should be taken into consideration is the nutritional value of the foods you eat. As we already mentioned, eating a lot of foods that are high in fat and carbohydrates will make you feel bloated and slow down your weight loss. You need to follow a sustainable diet if you want a gastric balloon operation to be completely successful. You can transition to a healthy diet with sensible portions once you’ve adhered to the diets we mentioned in the early stages. This diet will be simpler to follow and psychologically free you from the pressure of dieting.

While the gastric balloon will only help you lose weight, you can get better results when a healthy diet and exercise program are added.

Gastric Balloon Price

The cost of the gastric balloon procedure is very reasonably priced and is offered in specially created packages. These packages offer additional services in addition to gastric balloon operations.

The price of a gastric balloon at Safe Health Group typically ranges between 1,500 and 2,500 euros. This cost varies depending on the packages chosen, their contents, and the patient’s condition.

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