Pilonidal disease, also known as a pilonidal cyst, is a condition characterized by small pockets filled with air and fluid, often found in the buttock area. Pilonidal cysts are common and typically located in the crease of the buttocks, developing frequently as a result of skin-related infections. Over 80,000 new cases of pilonidal cysts are reported annually in America. Many people hesitate to seek medical help for this condition out of embarrassment.

Pilonidal cysts can lead to pain, drainage, and abscesses, necessitating treatment. It can become an acute or chronic issue. If left untreated, chronic pilonidal cysts can intermittently cause problems and abscesses.

Historical Background of Pilonidal Cysts

Pilonidal cysts was first identified in 1833 and named in 1880. About 80 years ago, Gage asserted that the disease was congenital. During wartime, it spread among Jeep drivers and was termed “Jeep Disease” in 1944. By 1992, the largest series of pilonidal sinus cases was published by George Karydakis. Although the causes are mostly understood, there is no consensus on the treatment methods.

Who is at Risk of Developing Pilonidal Disease?

Pilonidal cysts can develop in anyone but is more prevalent in:

  • Males
  • Individuals aged 15-35
  • People who sit for prolonged periods (long-haul drivers, office workers)
  • Obese individuals
  • Those with thick skin in the sacral area
  • Individuals who prefer tight clothing

Pilonidal cysts are not contagious but are more common in obese individuals due to the increased depth of the intergluteal sulcus. Family members may have similar anatomical features, making them more susceptible to pilonidal cysts.

Pilonidal Disease

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Pilonidal Cysts

Symptoms of pilonidal cyst include:

  • Pain while sitting
  • Swelling, redness, and tenderness in the buttock crease
  • Drainage of blood or pus
  • Fatigue

Diagnosis is generally made by physical examination, with the doctor looking for small, puncture-like holes that may leak fluid or cause redness and swelling.

How is Pilonidal Disease Treated?

Treatment for pilonidal disease can be surgical or non-surgical.

Non-Surgical Treatments

Crystallized Phenol Treatment

This is a modern treatment method for pilonidal sinus disease without surgery, incisions, or stitches. Taking only 15 minutes, this procedure can enhance the patient’s quality of life and offer rapid recovery.

Laser Ablation Treatment

Laser ablation offers a modern approach to treating pilonidal cyst, known as the SiLaC method. The procedure is minimally painful, and the patient can quickly return to daily life.

Surgical Treatments for Pilonidal Disease

Open Surgical Method: This involves the complete removal of the pilonidal cyst and sinus, requiring regular dressings.

Primary Closure: After removal of the cyst, the wound is stitched and closed, providing a faster healing process for pilonidal cyst.

Flap Surgery: Used in complicated cases, healthy tissues are moved to cover the damaged area.

These surgical methods offer effective approaches to address pilonidal cyst. The best treatment option should be determined based on the individual’s specific situation. A suitable surgical procedure can help overcome this problem, improving life quality and alleviating discomfort.

By exploring these options with a medical professional, those suffering from pilonidal cysts can find relief and restoration to their daily lives.

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