What Are The Differences Between Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery and Gastric Bypass Surgery?

What Are The Differences Between Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery and Gastric Bypass Surgery

Whether it’s sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass surgery, the common goal of both is to help obese patients lose weight. While these surgeries share some similarities, they have distinct differences that should be considered when choosing which surgery is right for you.

In gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, 80% of the stomach is removed vertically. For this reason, it is also called vertical sleeve gastrectomy.

Since the remaining stomach is very small, food consumption decreases after gastric sleeve surgery. Since the fundus region of the stomach is removed in gastric sleeve surgery, the hunger hormone is not released and the patients feel full.

Advantages Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Less invasive than gastric bypass surgery, which means a shorter hospital stay and recovery time Does not reroute the intestines, which means fewer complications related to nutrient absorption

Disadvantages Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

May not be as effective as gastric bypass surgery for patients with severe obesity or weight-related health issues Does not address conditions like GERD or acid reflux as effectively as gastric bypass surgery.

In gastric bypass surgery, a new path is made between the stomach and the intestine after the stomach is horizontally shrunk and cut.

This limits the amount of food that can be consumed and reduces the amount of nutrients absorbed by the body. The surgery also changes the way food is digested, which can help improve conditions like GERD and acid reflux.

Advantages Of Gastric Bypass Surgery

Can be more effective than other surgeries for patients with severe obesity or weight-related health issues Addresses conditions like GERD or acid reflux more effectively than other surgeries

Disadvantages Of Gastric Bypass Surgery

More invasive than gastric sleeve surgery, which means a longer hospital stay and recovery time deficiencies in blood parameters and mineral vitamin deficiencies can be seen.

In conclusion, both gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass surgery can help patients lose weight and improve their overall health. While gastric sleeve surgery may be a better choice for some patients due to its less invasive nature and fewer potential complications, gastric bypass surgery may be more effective for patients with severe obesity or weight-related health issues. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of each surgery with a qualified bariatric surgeon to determine which procedure is right for you.

To be more clear with the comparison here is a list of differences

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