What Are The Types Of Weight Loss Surgery?

What Are The Types Of Weight Loss Surgery

Today, there are several types of weight loss surgery available, but three of them are the most popular and discussed. These are the Gastric Band, Gastric Sleeve, and R&Y Gastric Bypass surgeries. A common feature of these three surgeries is that they are performed laparoscopically, that is, using a minimally invasive approach. Each of these weight loss surgeries has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, it is important to remember that none of them provide a quick and easy solution for weight loss. Even after these surgeries, an effective weight loss journey still requires a balanced diet and exercise. These weight loss surgeries are tools to assist in your weight loss journey.

If your body mass index is above 40, or above 35 and you have additional conditions such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension, or obstructive sleep apnea, you might be a candidate for weight loss surgery. You should consult with your doctor to choose the most appropriate surgery from these three. Let’s provide a brief summary of these three procedures to assist you:

  • Gastric Bypass: In gastric bypass surgery, your stomach is cut horizontally and a small pouch at the top is connected to your small intestine, creating a pathway. This surgery not only reduces your food portions, but also directs the food directly to the intestine, causing malabsorption. Hence, gastric bypass surgery is both a restrictive and malabsorptive type of weight loss surgery.
  • Gastric Sleeve: Gastric sleeve surgery, a well-established procedure that surgeons have significant experience with, is a method that does not require a new pathway or an anastomosis between the stomach and intestine like the gastric bypass. In this surgery, 80% of the stomach is vertically removed, leaving a banana-shaped stomach behind. This surgery is a restrictive method due to the remaining 20% of the stomach. Gastric sleeve surgery does not cause malabsorption; it only restricts volume.
  • Gastric Band: Also known as the Adjustable Gastric Band, this is placed at the top of the stomach and is made of silicone. This gastric band can be adjusted, and the tightness of the stomach band can be regulated through a device implanted under the skin of the abdomen.
ProcedureReversibilityType of ProcedureWeight Loss RateRecovery TimeHospital StayVitamin Mineral Deficiency
Gastric BandReversibleLaparoscopic40% of excess weight (by end of Year 3)1 week1 dayDoes not occur
Gastric SleeveNot reversibleLaparoscopic70-80% of excess weight (by end of Year 1)4-6 weeks2 daysRarely occurs
Gastric BypassReversible, but difficultLaparoscopic75% of excess weight (by end of Year 1)2-4 weeks4 daysOccurs
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